How to Meditate for Beginners


Sometimes the simplest things to do are often neglected because we don’t perceive them to have great importance. The other belief is that there’s just not enough time in the day. But I strongly feel that we need to create our own daily rituals to keep control of our lives. Otherwise we can let life throw us in a million different directions with no sense of groundedness. We become a circumstance of our environment rather than create the outcome we are hoping for.

So what do I mean by this? Well, all of us should have a goal in mind for what we want to create for the day, week, month, or year ahead. If you don’t – that may be a good homework assignment. Logic is not always the answer for personal growth. By just dedicating 10-15 minutes a day to a meditation practice, you will get closer to embarking on the mission that your soul is on this plane to do. This time of reflection doesn't have to take place in a yoga class. This is the alone time to ask your higher self to reveal where you need to set forth energy and what you should let go of. Whether you need direction in your personal life, professional life, regarding health or relationships- meditation can guide you.

If you’ve never done a meditation before, you can learn to do it on your own. My first encounter with meditation was at 11 years old after watching my mother. With some practice, I was then given the tools to make it more effective- which I will share with you.

Timing: Start by setting aside a time each morning or night to do your meditation. Keep consistent with the same time so your body becomes accustomed. I personally like doing it before bed since it allows me to clear the stress and energy of the day.

Environment: Find a space where you feel at ease and won’t be interrupted. My bedroom is this place since it’s like my private cave. I keep my room dark but use candles to bring in some light and a more spiritual energy. If you plan to sit in a lotus posture for a while, being comfortable is important. Use pillows or a bolster underneath you so your back stays erect. Whatever position you take, keep your palms face up and connect your index finger and thumb.  As an alternative you can also sit in a chair or lie down on your back. Some meditative music or essential oils can also help set the mood.

Set an intention: Decide where you would like some assistance. Is it with health, relationships, a business deal? Where do you need guidance? Ask the question and the answer will come…

Breathing: When getting into a meditation, breathing is key. Start by closing your eyes and using your breath to cleanse all the thoughts roaming in your head. Take a few deep inhalations and exhalations. As you inhale, make a slight smile with the mouth and keep the lips sealed. (This will help change the thoughts that enter the mind). With each exhalation, visualize the stress and unwanted energy leaving your body. Then bring your awareness between your eyebrows. Actually maintain a concentrated gaze while keeping the eyes closed. This is your third eye chakra (your psychic center). If done correctly, you  may begin to observe colors or visions.

Don’t force yourself to stay in the mediation too long. Your body will intuitively know when to come out of it. By doing this practice on a regular basis, you will become more focused on the important things that resonate with your higher self and you can pursue them properly. The things that we wasted time worrying about or giving importance to will eventually seem too miniscule to stay fixed on because they stem from a lower consciousness.

The clearer we are will dictate the way our goals manifest. Meditation also is one of the best remedies for a good night’s sleep which keeps us fresh and ready to put our thoughts into action for the day ahead.